Occupy movement’s message is simple

Things just can't continue to go on the way they are

As was fully predicted by wiser people than I, the mainstream media simply refuses to report fairly on the growing social rights movement that is sweeping across the world.

I simply cannot believe the blatantly biased distortion of the Occupy Wall Street message and purpose.

I would like to point out the occupy movement is not a protest. Rather, it is a growing process to discover possible people- and planet-based solutions to the truly enormous problems created by the horrible mismanagement of our planet by corporations and governments.

If this is not a clear enough message, you are confusing the complexity of the movement with chaos.

The mismanagement of Earth for the profit of a select few is a crime against life, as is clearly evidenced by the rampant destruction of habitats and extinction of species.

I believe strongly with the concept that crimes against life need to be fully addressed and punished.

Instead, the countries and corporations that commit these crimes on a daily basis are rewarded with obscene wealth and the Canadian people are rewarded by the growing fascism of the Harper government’s omnibus crime bill, which will criminalize anyone who does not toe what seems to be thought-crime-prevention-type-laws.

This is, in my opinion, only a justification to toss our unemployed young people and seniors or mentally ill homeless into prison.

The Occupy Nanaimo group is a community that is making a visible difference in the lives of many and has a developing and tangible plan of action they are soon to present to the mayor and city council.

The occupy movement is a reality check for the obscenely wealthy and makes it clear that the world is not theirs to destroy and we are not theirs to exploit any longer.

C.A. Nikolaisen





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