Odd Thoughts: Well, that’s what they all say

Odd Thoughts: Well, that’s what they all say

You know what they say...when it comes to them, they're an expert on everything.

Who are they anyway?

They say things.

They say they discover things.

They say they learned things.

They say they proved things.

They say they never agree.

They always seem to turn up in conversation when someone wants to make a point without having to actually know what they’re talking about.

So they say.

They’re often cited as saying something they’ve discovered that’s important about our health, about how long we can live, and about how to avoid dying of one thing or another.

Then they say someone figured out that they were all wrong and that it’s really something else that will keep us alive forever – or kill us sooner.

They say we shouldn’t eat fats. Oops. That was last year. They say everything keeps changing.

They say fats are okay, as long as we’re eating the right kinds of fats.

They say carbohydrates are the real problem.

They say sugar makes you fat. Especially white sugar. They say that stuff will kill you faster than anything else.

They say protein is good.

They say too much protein without fats and carbohydrates will kill you faster than anything else.

But probably not faster than white sugar, I’m thinking.

They say soft drinks will give you diabetes. They say it’s the sugar.

At least, that’s what they say.

They say it’s going to be a hard winter.

They say a hard winter means next summer is going to be really hot.

They say when you have a hot summer, it’s always followed by a hard winter.

At least, that’s what they say.

They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.

They say it’s never too late to learn.

They say video games are destroying the next generation.

They say it turns out video games can exercise your mind and help to stave off Alzheimer disease and other dementias.

They say computers wreck your eyes and rot your brain.

They say by the time you’re 25 your destiny is set: if you’ve done lots of physical work up to then, you’ll stand a better chance of living a long life, and if you haven’t… well, they say you should try to retire early.

The say lots of exercise in your later years will keep you living healthier longer.

They all say what they say. Nobody ever says who they are.

Langley Advance