Offensive line should not have been included

Dear editor,

Please don’t “Play it again Sam”.  We are not “dames”, not “simple” and we understand a lot more than the time to put to final rest ghost of Humphrey Bogart, says in this supposed comedy.

The article about the Courtenay Little Theatre reading of Play it Again Sam by  Woody Allen contained a particularly insulting line from Humphrey Bogart’s ghost.  It is the responsibility of the newspaper editor to not print such an offensive statement as part of an article about an upcoming theatrical event.  Regardless of whether it is in bad taste or not to do this play at this time, is another matter.

Of course in a small town organizations write their own articles about upcoming events. But The Record could have said to Courtenay Little Theatre, ‘sorry this line in your play is not going to be put in our paper.  And your article should warn viewers that some (maybe the whole female sex) might find this material, not only not funny, but offensive’.

Women are murdered and abused in our society, and it is hard to find any statements like the quote from this play providing anything but old fuel on an old fire.   In light of the recent respectful walk to remember those who have been abused and those who have been murdered, how can the offensive quote above be printed and be considered as part of a comedy reading?

I think women in our society, particularly those who have lost sisters, mothers, daughters, and those who are trying to share the grief of painful memories deserve an apology from The Record, for this insensitive article about the Courtenay Little Theatre’s “comedy reading.”

Jennifer Pass


Editor’s note: The offensive passage within the submitted article was removed prior to the article being published in The Record (and prior to receiving this letter). Unfortunately, an unedited version of the press release did appear briefly on our website. We apologize for this oversight.


Comox Valley Record