Oh where, oh where have all the good conservatives gone?

Oh where, oh where have all the good conservatives gone?

Editor, The Times:

Editor, The Times:

I surprised a friend of mine a while back by pointing out that we owe as much to the Conservatives as any for what Canada is today. The beginnings of unemployment insurance and the CBC came during the time of R.B. Bennett.

Across the line it was the same with our “American cousins.” Many good things came from the Republicans—clean water act etc. You didn’t have to be a religion obsessed racist to be on the right at that time.

The list of good conservatives, one I didn’t vote for, but could have under the right circumstances: Joe Clark, Robert Stanfield, Flora MacDonald, David Crombie—the list is long. It could fill up this page and still have names added.

But alas, no more. Our American cousins are ruled by an ignorant megalomaniac so far to the right he is, as my waggish friend puts it, right out of sight. No wonder “big bad” socialism is making a comeback in the U.S. of A.

It’s no better here in Canada where “Ugly Doug” and his neo-con slugs rule the biggest province and economy in the Land of the Maple Leaf. Not to mention Curly, Moe and Larry from Saskatoon and that guy that looks like someone from the Old Munsters TV show—Brian Pallister.

And you can be sure that by the end of next month Wild Rose Country will be firmly in the hands of that character who makes Stephen Harper look positively Liberal—Jason Kenney.

He’ll axe the carbon tax, yeah, he’ll axe taxes on wealthy Albertans and axe benefits to all the rest of Albertans. Worse than that, it will be some very good people that will vote for Kenney, making the mistake that he represents their values.

Conservatism means conserving the positive values of society, the values that have made Canada what it is.

These “wrecking ball” capitalists (George Soros) don’t represent anything but their own interests and those rich enough to buy them.

Perhaps the pendulum will start on the return swing. The real Conservatives will begin to show again. It can’t happen too soon.

Dennis Peacock,

Clearwater, B.C.

Clearwater Times