A letter writer argues that most British Columbians oppose plans to transport crude oil from Alberta through B.C.'s inside coastal waters.

A letter writer argues that most British Columbians oppose plans to transport crude oil from Alberta through B.C.'s inside coastal waters.

Oil and water don’t mix

April 22 – Earth Day – is our opportunity to organize in our community of Surrey for a National Day of Action.

Like so many other Surrey citizens, I moved here for the super-natural beauty of B.C.

I reject the claim by our prime minister that Canada’s financial interests will overrule B.C citizen’s interests.

I am not alone. I refer to a recent survey conducted by Justason Market Intelligence on behalf of Dogwood Initiative, Forest Ethics, Living Oceans Society and West Coast Environmental Law. Results indicated two-thirds (66 per cent) of B.C. residents oppose plans to transport crude oil from Alberta through B.C.’s inside coastal waters. One-half (50 per cent) strongly oppose this plan, indicating it will be a key voting issue in the 2013 B.C. provincial election. One in five (22 per cent) support allowing oil supertankers in the inside coastal waters, including 11 per cent who strongly support.

April 22 – Earth Day – is our opportunity to organize in our community of Surrey for a National Day of Action. This Earth Day, the Council of Canadians, alongside endorsing organizations and communities, will be organizing rallies as a public display of growing opposition to major oil tanker and pipeline proposals in British Columbia.

Now is the time to take a stand against Enbridge’s Northern Gateway Pipeline and supertanker proposal. This is our province so we will decide, not the feds. What we can do now is show up in vast numbers.


John Johnson, Surrey



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