READER MURRAY COULTER would be delighted if the Comox Valley train station could get badly needed repairs.

READER MURRAY COULTER would be delighted if the Comox Valley train station could get badly needed repairs.

Old Courtenay train station ain’t what it used to be

Dear editor,

I would like to stimulate more interest and concern for the old train station in Courtenay.

Dear editor,

I would like to stimulate more interest and concern for the old train station in Courtenay.

If work is to begin soon then I for one extend much gratitude, these pictures also show what can be done with community involvement.

This summer when driving through Qualicum I noticed what a lovely job the Town of Qualicum had done to preserve the beauty and integrity of their heritage train station, making it into an awesome tourist attraction and a pride of the community.

With a little TLC, our own heritage train station could be preserved and turned into a lovely preservation site, in honour of our own railway history and as a model and a legacy for our children and grandchildren.

One reason why I am so concerned is because the train station on 899 Cumberland Rd. is currently used by many groups that are a benefit to our community.

The Comox Valley Direction Society, various AA and NA groups, as well as our own Grace Outreach Group, which has been meeting on Tuesday evenings for almost eight years at the train station.

The building, built in 1912, has a very leaky roof and peeling paint, etc. Every winter and heavy rain further deteriorates the building and causes additional damage to the interior.

Another one or two winters will leave the building with addition extensive repairs to salvage the its integrity.

I know there has been talks and commitments to repair the roof and other things, but I believe time is of the essence.

I hope some work can begin shortly to save this old building. I am sure we will all be proud to restore this lovely landmark.

Murray Coulter,

Comox Valley


Comox Valley Record