Old laws work for new habits

It is hard for me to understand why we have to pass new laws to prevent drivers from using cell phones and texting.

It is hard for me to understand why we have to pass new laws to prevent people from using cell phones and texting, – both still grossly ignored – when we have/had a law in place charging people with “driving without due care and attention.”

It would cover all the present stupid things people do while operating a vehicle, such as using a handheld cell phone, texting, watching and using a GPS system, using a laptop, reading, writing, listening to loud music, using headphones, putting on make up, doing hair, talking to other passengers in the cars, watching iPod movies, etc.

All these dumb habits seem to increase as more electronic gadgets are added to new cars, all conveniently ignored by our government, who are afraid to lose a few votes from the same idiots.


Pieter Spierenburg


Surrey Now Leader