‘Old-schoolers’ clinging to ‘archaic extraction of a soon-to-be obsolete source of energy’

Dear editor,
Technologies are being suppressed by the financial interests of oil and other archaic energy sources like coal.

Dear editor,Technologies are being developed, and have been developed, which are being suppressed by the financial interests of oil and other archaic energy sources like coal.It’s been over a hundred years since Nicola Tesla dreamed of a turbine in the waterfall, and we’re still burning coal? We’re still in the dark ages because closed minds can’t really handle change to enter into the future.Coal is not taking us into development of advanced and evolvedtechnology; it’s keeping us in the dark. Scientists have discovered ways to use natural resources and sources of energy that go far beyond coal and oil and are truly “sustainable.”The technology exists for more efficient rotary engines and generators that run on water, and the exhaust is cleaner than the air that goes in! Greedy, narrow-minded old-schoolers have suppressed this technology out of fear and ignorance.I keep reading letters from people in this community that sound like they are still living in the 1950s. C’mon people, you must be smarter that that!Coal is so far in the past, obviously, that to talk about coal mining as a bright future makes me wonder at the sanity of this community. A community that really wants to move towards truly sustainable development for the future, does not support the archaic extraction of a soon-to-be obsolete source of energy.Check out a new film called Thrive to get an idea about today’s reality for development of energy technologies. Go to www.thrivemovement.com for details.Wake up to the 21st century, people! Do a little research and educate yourselves about where this world is really going for a happier, cleaner planet in the future. Get your head out of the coal mine and breathe some fresh air.Esther Hutton,Courtenay

Comox Valley Record