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Omission in tribute to Lorraine Doiron

Letter writer reminds Smithers Doiron was a dedicated marriage commissioner for years


RE: “A fond farewell to our long time columnist and Smithers booster extraordinaire Lorraine Doiron,” Interior News, Oct. 1, 2020.

Like many of the other members of the Smithers community, I too will miss seeing Lorraine’s gentle, smiling face around town, especially at all the volunteer positions that were mentioned.

Oddly enough, one significant effort was missing in last week’s column — Lorraine was a marriage commissioner in the Bulkley Valley for more than five years. Those who had her do their wedding ceremonies commented to me about the wonderful way she did this job. Gently, with a warm sense of humour, and always anxious to ensure that the couples received her full attention. After she announced her retirement from that position, the area was down to one marriage commissioner, but Lorraine volunteered to stay on until a second person was brought on stream. She wasn’t going to leave that one marriage commissioner with an overload of work.

On a personal note, we are friends, and I’ve always appreciated that. All the very best for your future Lorraine, you’ve earned it. Prince George will be fortunate to have you as a citizen.

Bob Haslett, Smithers

Smithers Interior News