On littering and empties

Creston's "Handy Hans" jokes about the empty drink containers he collects along roadways, but it's no laughing matter, he says...

To the Editor:

The title made me think of “Thanks for all the fish” in The Hitchhikers’s Guide to the Galaxy. The whales manage to leave Earth before it is destroyed to make way for an inter-galactic highway.

Anyway, I am collecting containers (metal, glass, plastic, cardboard) along Creston Valley roads. It’s five cents for juice and water, 10 cents for alcohol, but nothing for milk (exception — you can get Creston Valley organic milk in glass containers).

The most generous are beer drinkers — close to 90 per cent. I have only found one wine bottle! Very few Kokanee beer. What’s wrong with you people? Support the local label!

Before you all rush out to join in the beer can gold rush, I only average $5 an hour. Make sure you can easily be seen—wear reflective clothing. A very few drivers are crazy. What’s the evidence? I collect it.

I am making a wild guess here. While I applaud the generosity of beer drinkers, are they just getting rid of the evidence? Driving while over the limit is a criminal offence. You can get a criminal record that stays with you for life. Accidents, including fatal ones, have been related to alcohol. Drug users (legal and illegal), don’t be smug. There is evidence that being on drugs can also cause accidents. Cell phone users and speeders are also a problem.

You might say it’s not local beer drinkers. I have found cans in Lister, Canyon and even along Lakeview-Arrow Creek Road. So own it. It’s yours!

Instead of littering, you can bring your empties to the depot for handy cash. Or you can credit PAWS or the Refugee Committee when you bring in your load. Or I can collect your empties and credit either cause with my Green Machine (bicycle). Just text or call me at 250-435-0667.

By the way, do you know Roundup, a Monsanto product, has been identified by the United Nations as a possible carcinogen?

Herwig Jansen (Handy Hans)




Creston Valley Advance