On right track

Resident wants more done to tackle idling and reduce air pollution

I notice legislation in our fair land always concludes with “please.”

I wonder how many drivers who fail to connect the meaning of the anti-idling bylaw with our need to breathe.

I just watched on the Golf Channel the final round of play from Shanghai, China.

The commentator noted the air quality was given as “unhealthy.”

In camera shots from the tee-box, overlooking the fairway to the hole, the thick haze of smog could be plainly seen.

The cityscape just past the golf club could only be just made out in the haze, the horizon couldn’t be seen at all.

Rather than spending a lot of money on signage, how about making sure city bylaw staff have the funds to increase their ability to enforce this important bylaw.

Dealing with consequence (from their wallet) will make a violator pick up, take notice and change.

And connect non-payment of penalty to the privilege of driver’s license renewal.

Let’s walk on the wild side, enact and enforce, this legislation please.


John Raikes




Vernon Morning Star