On to the next adventure

On to the next adventure

I've never been very good at goodbyes.

I’ve never been very good at goodbyes.

So as I pack up my desk at the Langley Times and prepare to embark on a new adventure in my writing career, I’d rather say, until I see you again, Langley.

It has been an honour and a pleasure to write about the people and places that make the Langleys truly amazing communities. The word thank you is not enough to convey the gratitude I feel towards those who have put their trust in me to share their stories.

As a journalist, we have the unique opportunity to peer into the lives of the richest of the rich, the poorest of the poor, the kindest of the kind and the craziest of the crazies, and there are plenty of people who have stood out.

There was the artist who told me he had to reschedule our phone interview because he was naked — that was during my first week on the job — and the man who called to report a UFO flying over Willoughby — that was during my first shift alone.

Then there were the hidden heroes who have overcome addiction, homelessness and illness — I’ve been honoured to meet a few of you — and the heartwarming people of Paddington Station, whose story of triumph after the devastating apartment fire brought me to tears halfway through the interview. These are the stories that have impacted me the most, and made me feel grounded in an industry that is often fast-paced and chaotic.

I will forever cherish those who made weekly rounds to visit us in the office. Frances, Sandy, Jim and Bonnie, you always brightened my day.

To the talented writers and creatives I’ve been fortunate to work with — Dan, Gary, Monique, Troy, Natasha, John, Millie, Kelly, Lisa, Jean and all of the other staff members over the years — you have been incredible mentors.

To retired editor Frank Bucholtz, who published my first letter to the editor when I was in Grade 9 (it was a stream of consciousness about trees being sawed down in Brookswood), and who gave me my first paid reporter job when I was 19 — thank you.

To current editor Brenda Anderson, who gave me the opportunity to return to Langley to work alongside her incredible team — thank you, as well.

And to the politicians and Langley citizens who came out to each and every Township council meeting and dragged them on into the wee hours — you taught me the importance of community.

It’s been an enriching and rewarding journey at the Langley Times, but as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end.

I am excited for my next chapter and to continue to cheer on Langley as it grows, too.

Langley Times