One can be intelligent, but ignorant of facts

One can be intelligent, but ignorant of facts

Very few people can really escape that early indoctrination

One can be intelligent, but ignorant of facts

There is a misunderstanding in many people’s minds about ignorance and intelligence.

One can be ignorant of the facts and conditions but intelligent and therefore not capable to making a rational decision or statement. There is another scenario involved in this and that is early indoctrination by conditioning the mind to closed ideas by parents and the community in which they are raised.

The governments of the day, the education system, the ethnic influence and religion in their lives — very few people can really escape that early indoctrination that moves them to some closure in their minds and few can reopen themselves to really rational mental activity; there must be some extraordinary event or influence to reset their mind.

That may well be detrimental to human advancement and continued existence.

Art Seger


Cowichan Valley Citizen