One solution brought forward for housing tent city residents

Reader proposes inviting tent dwellers to live in supporters' backyards

The “tent city” problem has been a long-standing issue in and around Victoria, and now the City of Nanaimo is facing the same predicament, and evidently is just as incapable of resolving it.

I would like to put forth a possible solution for consideration.

If each one of the outspoken sympathetic supporters of the squatters was to open his or her backyard to allow just one tent to be erected, the problem would be immediately remedied.

The benefactors could take delight in knowing they had been proactive in alleviating a very serious social ill, the tent dwellers would be ecstatic, and we, the perceived heartless right wingers, would be mollified by having these blights removed from our city environs. Also, the city councils could then address other issues.

Everyone wins.

Ernie Knowles


Victoria News