One way or another, garbage must go

These incinerators need to be built because they reduce garbage heading to landfills and supply the energy our society needs.

Re: “Metro Vancouver should end garbage incineration: Study.”

So, a left-leaning think-tank thinks we should not build waste-to-energy incinerators, and should phase out the one we have.

How surprising.

If Metro Vancouver was leaning towards a new big dump site by Harrison Lake or some old-growth forest, they would be screaming about that instead.  They will always come out against whatever logical solution emerges from reasonable public debate.

Of course we should recycle, although it’s always interesting how their suggested ways of encouraging more recycling always involve more taxes and/or fees.

These incinerators were chosen, and need to be built, because they reduce garbage heading to landfills and supply the energy our society needs.

Until that magical distant future when everything is recycled, we need some ways to dispose of the trash we create, and these incinerators are the best option we currently have.


Paul Allinger, Surrey

Surrey Now Leader