Only one councillor listened

Langley Township council ignored views of many Fort Langley residents.

Editor: What a stunning display of democracy here in Langley. More than 900 people voiced their opposition to the Coulter Berry proposal to work outside heritage guidelines in Fort Langley. Six hundred of them were  actual Fort Langley residents.

The same residents attended two marathon nights of a public hearing with the mayor and council. Many voiced their opposition personally, and council was appearing to listen.

Yet when the vote came, only one councillor actually seemed to be listening.

Thank you, Councillor David Davis for listening. You will have our vote come next election,

It seems our collective voice didn’t matter to the others. I guess our vote won’t either.

This should have gone to a referendum, involving the residents of Fort Langley proper, those who have a Fort Langley home address. But then,no one seems to be listening anyways.

Dave and Kim McFadden,

Fort Langley

Langley Times