Only that done with Christ will last

Lakeview Church pastor Brian Dean postulates on what matters

A man ran onto a beach very eager to go for a swim and suddenly came to a grinding halt – remembering that his pockets were still full. He took his wallet, smartphone and car keys, wrapped them in his towel and ran into the waves with the knowledge that these precious possessions were safe from damage.

Those three items represent three things so important in every person’s life – so much more than their replacement value.

The wallet represents the things on which we spend our money. Whether we lean toward ascetism or prosperity theology, this much remains true: we spend our money on our priorities.

Our phone is now our diary and so much more than a mobile telephone. The way we spend our time, including that which never finds its way into a diary, give a glimpse into our value system.

Finally, vehicles take us to people and places. Someone once said, “Show me your friends and I will prophecy your future.” There is real truth in that statement.

In the book of Matthew in the Bible, Jesus speaks about the value of different things and how they affect us. His statement, ”Seek first His (God’s) kingdom and His righteousness,” is so profound and yet we often gloss over it with a knowing nod. It represents a shift in thinking; a change to our default setting; a realignment of the way we see our lives and world around us – the glasses of self are removed and we begin to see value through God’s eyes.

When we look at our time, money and company, what do they reflect? It reminds me of that saying, “One life, will soon be past. Only that done for Christ will last.”

Brian Dean is pastor of Lakeview Church.

Quesnel Cariboo Observer