Open burning unnecessary

It’s time for Salmon Arm to get into the 2000s and dispense with the policy to allow open burning at certain times of the year.

It’s time for Salmon Arm to get into the 2000s and dispense with the policy to allow open burning at certain times of the year.

Many citizens smelled and breathed the smoke that permeated many areas of the city over the weekend. For some with breathing difficulties like asthma, emphysema, or other respiratory problems, the smoke sent them to the emergency room or kept them home sick in bed, with doors and windows shut tight.

The owner of a particular residence where burning became an issue went about it the right way. He had the proper permits, although not the proper fire setup to create the least smoke possible.

But this is not the point. Smoke is not good for the air quality, and is not good for anyone’s health. There are other, better ways to dispose of waste than burning. Yard waste can be composted and the CSRD has initiatives every year to assist with chipping and composting this type of material. It may take longer to decompose, but it doesn’t create the same harm to human health as burning does. And if there is some other type of waste being burned, it might be more expensive to take it to the dump. But shouldn’t we also be concerned if burning involves something other than organic material?

It’s time to celebrate spring in Salmon Arm with clean fresh air, instead of a haze of smoke. City council needs to nix the current burning regulations and come out in favour of a smoke-free city in more ways than one.


Salmon Arm Observer