Open letter to Union Bay landowners

Dear editor,

In 2011, when the majority of the current Union Bay trustees won their position on the board of trustees, they were elected by a small community group called “Taxpayers for Accountable Governance” (T.A.G.). Since that time, this board has been anything but accountable to anyone; certainly not to the majority of landowners they represent.

Last summer, 66 percent of Union Bay landowners made it clear they are not prepared to pay for the water system upgrades themselves when they petitioned the UBID Board to allow Kensington Island Properties (K.I.P.) to follow through with the water treatment plant and system upgrades as outlined in the Water Infrastructure Agreement.

The signed Kensington/UBID agreement clearly states that the developer will pay for all costs associated with these upgrades mandated by Island Health. In return for paying up-front for the approximate $1.3 million improvements to the existing system, K.I.P. would be reimbursed with a Capitol Expenditure Charges (CEC) credit of $8,900 per lot serviced in the new development until such time as the improvement funds had been repaid. In essence, this would be an interest-free loan to the community for however long it takes for K.I.P. to recoup their investment. This is normal standard practise with any large development in most other communities around B.C. It avoids the expenses of such infrastructure upgrades having to be borne by existing landowners.

Instead of listening to the wishes of the majority of landowners, the board continues to investigate their own agenda to provide community funded upgrades without the financial assistance offered by K.I.P. The board is constantly trying to lessen the impact of the 424 letters of petition by adjusting the numbers and providing false calculations.

The UBID board also claims that many of the petitioners were coerced or intimidated into signing a letter. I can assure you that none of the volunteers canvassing their neighbours ever forced anyone to sign the letter. Some landowners respectfully declined to sign, while others were left copies of the letter for their further consideration of the facts. To my knowledge, no one who signed a letter regretted their decision, nor asked for a return of their letter.

Again, the current trustees are not accountable to the majority of landowners they serve. They have avoided answering questions openly and honestly. However, your questions will be answered at the Kensington Public Meeting planned for 7 PM at the Union Bay Community hall on Monday, March 14th.

As a result of the non-accountability and unacceptable behaviour by the board, I ask you to keep this in mind when placing your vote  at the advance poll (2-7 p.m. on March 21 at the UBID office) or at the AGM on April 2.

This election will be a pivotal turning point for the future of Union Bay, so please do your part! With your help, we can hopefully avoid the major financial burden that is currently looming over the individual landowners of Union Bay.


David Godfrey

Union Bay



Comox Valley Record