Open the road

We arrived in Vernon on July 18 with a reservation to camp at Cedar Falls Campground until the 23rd.

We arrived in Vernon on July 18 with a reservation to camp at Cedar Falls Campground until the 23rd. We chose Cedar Falls as you had a busy weekend with Sturgis in town, and while we were attending Sturgis, we were looking for a quiet atmosphere at night.

Our trip up to the campground was exhausting after a long day’s drive and we didn’t understand why our directions were all wrong. We walked down to the “washout” to discover a simple reduction to speed and possible one lane instead of two over the bridge in the area would have prevented a lengthy detour. The people who have this campground have a limited season and this season will be all but lost by the time the road opens.

My message to Vernon would be, “If tourism is a major industry, put a priority on your service providers!” The people who run this campground have made our stay wonderful, make these citizens a priority. A tourism town needs people who really care and those people need you to care.

Fix this problem now. You owe your taxpayers their due. Make Vernon a town people return to because you care as much as our hosts about this industry.

Barb & David Cross,

Red Deer, Alberta


Vernon Morning Star