(Trail Times file image)

(Trail Times file image)

Opinion: Accusations of xenophobia are wrong

Letter to the Editor from Marty Makway of Trail

I’m pleased to see that the Yellow Vest rallies in Trail, after 17 weeks of Saturdays, with between 13-35 people gathering each time at the Worker’s Memorial, has finally cracked the local newspaper. I would’ve thought it would be in the form of an interview rather than a letter to the Editor, but who’s complaining?

The letter writer (“Mass murder highlights depressing truth,” Trail Times, March 27) accuses Canadian patriots of xenophobia, because apparently wanting immigrants to be vetted and come legally through the system, rather than illegally, or in large numbers without a plan, puts them in this category. Those being accused of xenophobia now includes hundreds of thousands of Canadians, who are part of various Yellow Vest and other patriot groups that have been rallying every Saturday since December, in cities across this nation. You may have heard of the “United We Roll” convoy that met in Ottawa last month. Truckers and others came from east and west to rally in Ottawa in favour of pipelines, jobs and other issues, such as taxes and sovereignty. At least half the population of the passers-by each Saturday, wave and honk their horns in agreement with our various signs, these Canadians would also be labeled xenophobic. These rallies are taking place in many countries around the world, with France being at the forefront.

The Yellow Vest movement primarily is about getting sovereignty back into the hands of the Canadian people. This is why we oppose globalism. The writer of the letter specifically mentioned the UN Global Migrant Pact, which seeks to erase borders, destroy the concept of citizenship, allowing migrants to access the resources of the host country. This is a change to international law and blurs the distinction between refugees and migrants. The compact stops just short of saying that every person from around the world has a right to live in Canada and become a Canadian citizen. Just as alarming, if enforced, it becomes illegal to even criticize the policy. Unfortunately, our current government signed on to this deal in December of 2018. I guess that makes me xenophobic, because I disagree with the UN Global Migrant Pact.

As a Canadian citizen, if I am visiting the U.S.A., or any other country, I need a passport to cross the border. I also must present my passport on returning to my country. We believe in nations, borders and laws; does that make us xenophobic?

Almost everyone I know locks their doors, has their own bank account that is not freely accessible to anyone that wishes to access it. We have, or should I say, had a system of immigration in this country, and all the immigrants that I know personally, came here through that system, legally.

The Yellow Vest movement is advocating for freedom of speech, no quelled speech, such as in the motion M-103, which seeks to shut down criticism of one particular ideology. We are opposed to tax slavery and the use of Saudi oil over Canadian oil. We are rallying for all of the above issues.

Marty Makway


Trail Daily Times