OPINION: Hugs and slugs

OPINION: Hugs and slugs

Hugs out number slugs for the second week in a row, complete with a recipe to respect your rhubarb.

HUGS: Thank you to everyone who dedicated their time and energy making Grad 2015 so special. – Proud parent

HUGS: To everyone for their help during my tough time after a car accident and continued attention and concern for me and my family.

SLUGS: To the national mailing service that serves our country – shame on you for proposing to cutback hours at our local postal outlets. Surely you can find other ways to save money?

HUGS: A warm hug to the anonymous person who placed a seed or bulb that has flourished into a five-foot high gorgeous mystery flower. Everyone guesses. Maybe the flower will tell us what, but not who.

SLUGS: To the drivers who pass slower traffic on the highway into on-coming cyclists. The law states that cyclists are to be treated as a motor vehicle. You are passing illegally and may kill somebody!

SLUGS: To the drivers who don’t acknowledge crosswalks or slow down when approaching them. Please be aware of your surroundings when driving, and remember that pedestrians have the right of way in some cases. Hugs to the drivers who keep their eyes open!

SLUGS: To the person(s) WHO stole a 24-inch coral and gray geometric design marble tabletop from a moving truck on June 10. We were moving a senior to her new home when you made off with your treasure. You couldn’t have gotten far and will probably try to fence it locally. If anyone sees or gets offered this piece, please contact the Nelson police and get this item back to its owner. It’s hard to hear her so upset. Stop being so dastardly!

HUGS: To the woman in the lovely red dress at the boathouses who asked me how I was managing to walk with my daughter in her backpack in the heat. As a very busy mom, sometimes all it takes is someone to ask you how you are even capable of doing what you’re doing to make you feel like a Superhero, even just for an instant. I spend far too long the rest of the day feeling like I’m just staying afloat and not able to get everything done. Thank you for a moment.

HUGS: A big hug to the lady driver of the seniors facility van/bus on mid-afternoon Friday on 5th St. I took a misstep off the back of my truck and fell from about three feet onto the pavement. A passerby saw it happen and stopped to assist me. (I’m 80.) The person mentioned above also stopped, having arrived a minute or so after the event, and offered me some advice. I hope that her supervisor reads this and offers her the appropriate comments on my behalf. The actions of an employee often reflect on the employer.

HUGS: To people who treat their rhubarb plants with respect. On a three-year-old or older plant between May and mid-September, pull/twist the stalks that are half an inch to one inch and 10 to 15 inches long. Over the season please do not harvest more than one-third of the plant. Some really large plants may tolerate more. Please be kind and remember a clean plant is a healthy plant. If the stalk breaks and leaves a stub, remove the stub. And remove all stalks and leaves before the snow falls. Note the leaves are poisonous but safe for compost or make a spray and deter the bugs that eat your broccoli and other cole crops.

Nelson Star