Hugs outweighed by Slugs this week 4-7.

Hugs outweighed by Slugs this week 4-7.

OPINION: Hugs and slugs

Hugs were outweighed by Slugs this week, 4-7.

HUGS: To the crew at the ski hill. Holy cow, the grind park is better than ever.

SLUGS: To whoever manages the heat in local arenas. Seniors just can’t sit there and watch a game without being in pain.

HUGS: To the people who have seniors as neighbours. Help them if you can so they can remain in their home as long as possible.

SLUGS: To the person with the “borrowed Fiskars maul.” I am sorry that your kids are getting cold but try to remember that wood burning makes it difficult for other children to breathe.

SLUGS: To all who were responsible for cars being towed away from the Pulpit Rock Trail area. Get rid of some of those No Parking signs. Most of them should not be there.

SLUGS: To the guys who came up on stage during a show and flipped the band’s Canadian flag. Who do you think you are? It’s their show and statement, not yours! You should have been thrown off stage.

SLUGS: To the woman in the big red truck with four dogs who never picks up after herself. If you bring that dog pack to the rail trail every morning and afternoon, you might be single-handedly responsible for the smell up there.

HUGS: To the person who took the time to drop off my keys at the library and the staff who contacted me to let me know they’d been found via my attached library card. I am exceedingly grateful, and as always I continue to be blown away by this amazingly considerate community! Many many thanks, you saved me a huge headache!

SLUGS: To each and every one of you who think it’s okay to blow through stop signs. My wife was and still is the recipient of one of you thoughtless people. She will never be the same and in fact will progressively get worse. Please consider my wife next time you are in that hurry rather than having that me attitude and maybe you will be able to do all the things you love.

SLUGS: Three hugs to the three honest young men who turned in a wallet they found on Highway 3A near the junction. Three high fives for each of you for coming back later when you found some of the wallet’s contents on the road. We were able to safely reunite the young mom with her wallet that same day. She was so grateful! We acknowledge your integrity, kindness, and smart thinking to bring the wallet to the credit union. Hugs to your mothers for raising young men who show their care and concern for others!

SLUGS: Walking down Baker Street when the dog ban had not yet been officially lifted, and what do I see? Two piles of dog poop that some unfortunate person stepped in. Really, this is why the dog ban came into effect many years ago. It was the inconsiderate and irresponsible dog owners that caused the problem in the first place. Perhaps we need to reconsider the trial and go back to the way it was. I didn’t have to worry about dodging dog poop. Won’t our streets smell wonderful between dogs urinating on buildings, meters, lamp posts or whatever happens to be in their way along with dog poop? I for one will be shopping at the mall.

Nelson Star