Hugs take the lead over Slugs this week.

Hugs take the lead over Slugs this week.

OPINION: Hugs and slugs

A whole lotta hugging goin' on in Nelson, from hugs for two gallant lads dressed in camo pants, to slugs for passive aggressive drivers.

HUGS: To a local school for flying the Canadian flag.

HUGS: To amazing foster parents J and J … wish we could clone you!

HUGS: Huge hugs to the awesome team at a local garage for being genuine and helpful.

HUGS: Lots of hugs and thank you to the city worker who found and delivered to me my appointment book and cheque book.

HUGS: To those who feel uncomfortable around community members with disabilities. You don’t deserve slugs, you just need exposure.

SLUGS: To the passive-aggressive drivers en route to Castlegar who do 75-80 in the 90 zones, but manage a good 110 in the passing zone. You will be passed. Give it up.

HUGS: To the lovely woman who was willing to chip in a few bucks of her own money to help pay for my driving test. It is casual helpfulness like this that makes Nelson an incredible place to live.

SLUGS: To the parents who knowingly bring their sick kids to play groups. Your selfishness and disregard for other families well-being is both inconsiderate and irresponsible. Please stay home!! Common sense, right?! Apparently not.

SLUGS: To the person who ran into my parked Toyota truck, dented the back fender and didn’t leave any contact information for repairs through insurance. I will now have to pay this out of my own pocket (and I just got it back from the shop). I hope you feel as badly as I do.

SLUGS: To the person writing the slugs about the dog poop on Baker St.! I have a dog and two cats. On Baker St. my dog is leashed and if he poops, I clean it up! How about you? Do you enjoying stepping in dog poop? Probably not! All people are asking is that dog owners be responsible for their pet! Too much to ask?? I think not.

HUGS: Great big Grandma hugs to the two gallant young lads dressed in camouflage pants (you will know who you are) when, upon happily entering the mall ahead of me, spotted the first of the double doors closing in front of me. One rapidly turned around, apologized, and with a big smile held the door open for me. Then, when his friend turned to see what was going on, he too stepped back to do the same with the second double door. Then one of them, as a final touch, cheerfully called out, “Nice hair, ma’am” as they continued to make their way into the mall. You two made my day! Thank you from a very impressed senior.

SLUGS: To the slugger last week who complained about the person complaining about poop on Baker Street. It is not the dogs’ fault that they have to do their business but it is yours if you as the “responsible owner” do not pick it up! I do own a dog and frankly I leave her at home in her yard where she is happiest. I fail to see how my stepping over dogs tied with ropes to parking meters and dog poop enhances my or my guests’ shopping experience. In fact the opposite is happening — looks like more online shopping for me where I don’t have to dodge these. A shame as we live in such a beautiful city.

Nelson Star