It's a tie.

It's a tie.

OPINION: Hugs and slugs

An even amount of compliments and complaints this week.

HUGS: Many hugs for all the people who greet us on our wheelchair walks and also for those who offer to help. What a warm community we live in!

SLUGS: I forgive the cyclist’s sole attention to helmets. This, unfortunately is our city’s main focus, yet it should be much more. Consider sharing the road with all road users in a safe and courteous way. – Fellow cyclist

SLUGS: To the truck that set up in mid-intersection right as school was getting out for the day. The WORST possible time of the day to be in that spot, with parents picking up their children, students crossing at the crosswalk; a high-traffic spot at an already tricky pedestrian crosswalk. The irony is that the tire guard flap said ‘Safety First’! This employee was probably just doing his job, because when I asked him why he was doing that then, he shrugged.

HUGS: To the landlady of an apartment building around Kootenay Lake for whatever childhood traumatic experience caused you to grow into such a passive aggressive, terrible excuse for a human being. I was a perfect tenant but you always found a reason to complain and you were extremely unprofessional in all our interactions. I got the better of you in the end (by exercising my legal entitlements) which caused you to be even more unpleasant toward me, but I bit my tongue because I was enjoying watching how mad you were and smiling on the inside thinking that your current condition was the perfect piece of karma. Bigger hugs to the people who still have to put up with the slugs you rain down upon them.

If you have a Hug or a Slug… we’d like to hear it. Simply email us at with your shirt quips, compliments or complaints. Keep it tasteful and anonymous-no names of individuals, businesses or places please. You can also drop by a written submission to our office at 514 Hall St.

Nelson Star