OPINION: Hugs are plentiful

The year 2015 is starting off in a very happy, 'huggy' way!

HUGS: A huge hug to all those who donated food items and cash to benefit those of our community at the Civic Theatre Open House on December 14. Your generosity is truly appreciated.

HUGS: To the man who said, “he’d feel bad taking only one (gift card) and leaving the rest.” A slug to a parent who invites the whole group of children to a party but leaves out only one! A little heart was broken.

SLUGS: To whoever let their dog roam onto our deck and eat all our Christmas cookies. Please keep an eye on them next time! We weren’t happy to find the containers empty and we worked hard on them amongst busy schedules.

HUGS: To the three guys that helped us get our car unstuck on Kokanee Glacier Road. We really, really appreciated your help.

HUGS: To the couple that unexpectedly asked me to ski with them near Hummingbird Pass. I really appreciated the invite. Thank you.

HUGS: To the woman behind me in line at the mall who paid for my purchase when the store couldn’t process my debit card. It helped out this single mom more than you know. Thank you for your kindness.

SLUGS: To all those people who brag about what they got for Christmas. I’m glad you had a nice holiday, but some of us can’t afford the exorbitant presents that you are bragging about. Your boasting just makes us feel worse.

HUGS: To my more than generous co-workers who came together to help me out, which allowed me to buy groceries for my family at Christmas. Your generosity was truly overwhelming. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and may good karma always be with you. All the best in 2015.

SLUGS: I know this one has been done before but slugs to all those drivers who think they can go as fast and turn as sharply in the snow as they do on dry roads. C’mon people! Slow down. Icy roads aren’t dangerous; drivers are.

HUGS: To all Nelson residents who participate in general merriment and good cheer over the holidays.

SLUGS: To those who feel they need to over-indulge in various substances as part of their holiday celebration.

SLUGS: Slimy, disease-riddled slugs to those who choose to climb behind the wheel while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Don’t you realize other people’s lives are in your hands? You may not get caught, but you know what you’re doing is wrong. Would you like to be responsible for killing someone this holiday?

HUGS: To everyone who had to work during the Christmas holidays. While most of us get to stay home and enjoy our dinners with our families, there are policemen and firemen, emergency services and even some gas station clerks who have to work to keep the community running. You all deserve our thanks.

If you have a Hug or a Slug… we’d like to hear it. Simply email us at editor@nelsonstar.com with your short quips, compliments or complaints. Keep it tasteful and anonymous — no names of individuals or businesses, please. You can also drop by a written submission to our offices at 514 Hall Street.

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