OPINION: Hugs come back to win the week

OPINION: Hugs come back to win the week

Nelson's sunny weather may have put people in a better mood as hugs win the week over slugs.

HUGS: I’m pretty sure that a meter man isn’t usually on the hug list, but my son and mom came down from Prince George and Terrace to make a four generation Mother’s Day. With Mom and Grandma chirping from the deck, I have to thank the meter man for agreeing not to give my son a ticket while parked on Victoria Street.

HUGS: A big thank you to all the drivers who do not turn left across double solid yellow lines. You are helping to keep traffic flowing smoothly and safely through our busy little city.

HUGS: To the home with the gargoyle on the roof. I drive by all the time to see what he is holding. It makes me smile.

HUGS: To the thoughtful person who found my envelope addressed to Blue Cross and mailed it for me. It’s appreciated.

HUGS: Hugs to all the employers who let you know that they received your resume and cover letter for a job they advertised, whether it is dropped off in person, mailed, or e-mailed. That touch of professionalism shows that you are most likely a great boss to work for.

SLUGS: Slugs to drivers on Highway 3A between Castlegar and Nelson (particularly near Nelson) for being unable or unwilling to even go close to the speed limit (which is 90 km/h).  I’m not sure if these drivers are intentionally being arterial blockages but I wish they would stop wasting my time.  A secondary slug to docile drivers who won’t pass.

SLUGS: Slugs to the neighbor who drags all her junk out in her yard every Saturday and has a yard sale.  Stop collecting junk!  Once a month is enough for a yard sale. We are sick of the noise and traffic.

SLUGS: Slugs to the cashier at a huge local grocery store who charged my elderly father for an item he did not buy. When a refund was requested, you called my dad “wacked” to another cashier. This is no way to treat seniors.

HUGS OR SLUGS?: Hugs to those irate smokers who defend that rather nasty habit to their last breath — it sounds like you need some affection. But, please, no kissing — most of us don’t need a simulation of what it’s like to lick a dirty ashtray.

SLUGS: Slugs to all the skateboarders who don’t at least wear a helmet, no matter where you’re boarding in town. Oh, and wearing dark clothing and skateboarding on the streets at night is pretty much like wearing a bear costume and running around the woods during hunting season. Maybe you’ll make it home unhurt, but why in the name of all that is holy would you want to take the chance?

HUGS: Hugs to the property owners at the end of Slocan River s-bend for graciously allowing me to take out on their property and help transport me and my boat to the proper take out. After being shaken by a lengthly swim, you allowed me recover rather than push my limit again.

If you have a Hug or a Slug… we’d like to hear it. Simply email us at editor@nelsonstar.com with your short quips, compliments or complaints. Keep it tasteful and anonymous — no names of individuals or businesses, please. You can also drop by a written submission to our offices at 514 Hall Street.

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