OPINION: Hugs narrowly edge slugs

OPINION: Hugs narrowly edge slugs

This week's hugs and slugs are for inconsiderate skateboarders, businesses who don't put sandwich board signs away and app developers.

HUGS: To fair Mother Nature for her resplendent display in West Kootenay this month.

SLUGS: To this newspaper for not having a sudoku puzzle in the last three Wednesday papers. I hope you will reinstate it or the “slug” will get real slimy. – A sudoku addict

SLUGS: To the inconsiderate skateboarders who on the first day the “bear bench” at City Hall was placed, just HAD TO scar it with your ignorance. Now two concrete posts block its beauty. Grow up.

HUGS: Thanks in advance to the folks giving out treats who don’t ask my super tall 13 year old “how come you’re out trick or treating?!” She came home in tears last year. Just give her a candy and send her on her way with her friends.

SLUGS: To the businesses that do not put away their sandwich boards when closed. Permits say sandwich board signs are to be removed from city property when businesses are closed. Slugs to the city for no ENFORCEMENT of the rules.

HUGS: Many hugs to the lady who found my camera in the middle of the road after it fell off my car and posted a notice on our telephone pole. I did not know I had lost it till I saw the notice. It’s a long story, but thanks a lot. – Grateful gramma

HUGS: To the first responder paramedics and volunteers who treated my husband in the middle of the night July 30 near Kaslo. All were most professional and expertly trained, giving the best care. Nice to know that such help is at hand. – Out-of-province travellers

SLUGS: To the RDCK for not leaving the new recycling bins unlocked so that blue bags can still be used. Extra slugs to RDCK residents who are leaving full blue bags in front of the bins or choosing to throw the bags in the garbage bins at the transfer station. A better transition period is needed.

HUGS: To the app developer who comes up with an app that turns off your car’s ignition if you are parked there idling while playing with your phone. Thirty seconds soon becomes two minutes, becomes five, and all the while the engine is pumping exhaust into the air we all breathe. Please turn your car OFF when not moving.

HUGS: To the woman who will hopefully return my DKNY black trench coat she accidentally took from Winefest. Great sentimental value – it was the last gift my late mother gave to me. Please bring it to the front desk at the Adventure Hotel where you can exchange it for the Old Navy black peacoat you left for me to wear home. We are human, we make mistakes.

SLUGS: To the vehicle who hit a beautiful white husky cross near the Welcome to Nelson sign on Highway 3A West sign and bigger slugs to the driver who left the scene. The owner was looking for his dog and the poor husky laid suffering against the guard rail. My son and I stopped to assist and offer a little compassion. The dog was taken to the vet to hopefully repair its broken leg. You also left particles of your vehicle littered on the highway.  Shame on you for not having an ounce of decency to stop. It wasn’t your fault but the fact that you drove away is unfathomable. Hugs to the sweet husky girl! I hope you made it, buddy, to play catch on a green field, not the highway.

Nelson Star