OPINION: Hugs win again

It was a quite week for reader comments, but hugs prevailed 3-1.

SLUGS: To whoever stole 12 large bottles of home brew beer from under my trailer in the Nelson city campground. The valuable pot-stopper bottles must be re-used or returned lest you anger the beer gods. As a newcomer to Nelson, it has been the only negative vibe I’ve had from anyone in this wonderful place, so … HUGS: To everyone in Nelson.


HUGS: Hugs to the young woman at the store the other day. You stopped at a table that was requesting donations and said that, although you don’t have money, you have time to give and asked how could you help.  That was amazing. I overheard and was ashamed to realize that I had walked by that very table without even noticing them there. I can only hope my own daughter turns out as caring as you.


HUGS: A special hug to the two young men who came to my aid when I had my ignition seize up in Nelson. They declined remuneration, saying it was the community  spirit of Nelson.


HUGS: Hugs and more hugs to the person that gave us a raise because she thought we deserved it. You are one in a million.


If you have a Hug or a Slug… we’d like to hear it. Simply email us at editor@nelsonstar.com with your short quips, compliments or complaints. Keep it tasteful and anonymous — no names of individuals or businesses, please. You can also drop by a written submission to our offices at 514 Hall Street.

Nelson Star