OPINION: Hugs win in a landslide

The heavy snow seems to have brought out the best in people as almost everybody is in a happy mood.

HUGS: To the little girl who got very badly frightened by my friendly but wild with excitement puppy near the Union Street woods.  I didn’t get a chance to say how sorry I was as I was busy trying to round him up. I’m sorry! I hope you and your family were able to enjoy the rest of your walk without any other crazy visitors!

HUGS: To people who tip local musicians in local establishments! Look for the tip jar and keep the music playing.

HUGS: A great big hug to the anonymous “young lady” that paid for my breakfast on November 11, 2014 in a  Nelson restaurant. Thank you very much from the person in the military uniform.

HUGS: To the gentleman who rescued me and my car on a slippery hill last week, and to the new mom who stopped to make sure I was okay as well.

HUGS: To the two men who seemed to appear out of nowhere and helped me by pushing my car out of a parking spot that I was hopelessly stuck in. Many thanks! :

HUGS: To everyone involved in getting all our power back on. On January 1 2015, right at dinner time the lights went out, only to six homes in a row. Thank goodness for the many batteries candles and flashlights. It was a candlelight New Year’s Day dinner.

SLUGS: To complacent dog owners that walk their dogs around town without leashes. My dog is also “friendly,” but you don’t know that, and I would never allow him to approach you, your kids, or your dog, of his own free-will.  If your dog is prone to approaching or following other dogs, blindly wandering into the street to do this, it should be on a leash.  If it doesn’t listen to your commands, it should be on a leash. My dog has been attacked too many times by territorial, off-leash dogs. If your unleashed dog comes near me and mine, it’s getting kicked.

HUGS: To the local business that generously put together a food hamper during the holidays to help us in our time of need.  We are very fortunate to be a part of such an amazing community.  Thank you for filling our cupboards and warming our hearts.

HUGS: A great big hug for the lady who found my little grey purse and turned it in at the grocery store. Thank you so much!

HUGS: This is a huge hug to everyone that took names off the Tree of Giving over the holiday season and returned a beautiful gift. The generosity was overwhelming and without your help many children wouldn’t have had a Christmas. A special hug goes out to the man who took the last 12 names off of one tree and bought gift cards for everyone! There truly are angels among us.

If you have a Hug or a Slug… we’d like to hear it. Simply email us at editor@nelsonstar.com with your short quips, compliments or complaints. Keep it tasteful and anonymous — no names of individuals or businesses, please. You can also drop by a written submission to our offices at 514 Hall Street.

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