Opinion: Oak Bay residents: How satisfied are you?

Consider the feedback you'd like to offer the coming resident satisfaction survey

Oak Bay is preparing to embark on a survey of the community to learn how it’s doing in the eyes of residents.

The district has posted a request for proposals for a citizen survey exploring residents’ priorities and how they perceive the services they receive from the district.

Warren Jones, director of corporate services for Oak Bay, says that for many communities, a survey provides a foundation for the strategic planning process.

The result is a final report “fleshing out the silent majority in the community … That would put information at your fingertips about what people think in the community.”

In addition to the opportunity for residents to reflect on the services they receive, they will also be able to provide feedback about the district’s priorities and initiatives.

While the logistics of the survey are still being determined – councillors Michelle Kirby and Kevin Murdoch expressed concerns about the efficacy of phone surveys in reaching everyone, for example –  we look forward to learning more about what residents are pleased with and what needs more work.

Many Oak Bay residents are keen to share their thoughts about what they see as the “good” and the “needs work” of their community, both on these pages and directly with municipal council and staff. However many others have thoughts and opinions we may not hear as often.

As Coun. Tom Croft notes, the survey is a great opportunity for us to keep our community informed and get informed ourselves.”

So between now and fall, take a few minutes to consider just what is working well in Oak Bay and what could use a little attention.

Your opinions may well have a significant impact on your community for years to come.


Oak Bay News