OPINION: Slugs are back on top this week

OPINION: Slugs are back on top this week

Negative comments beat out positive ones by a margin of 4-3.

HUGS: To the seemingly visually impaired cyclist who apparently saw neither the stop sign or my vehicle, who believed he was in a pedestrian crosswalk while he was actually riding a bicycle in the traffic lane of the road. You gave me the opportunity to test my brakes, horn, coordination and reaction time. Thank you.

SLUGS: To all the drivers that sped by us on Blewett road while we were horseback riding July 12. Especially the woman who tried to squeeze between four horses and an oncoming car and almost ran over my lovely German shepherd. Learn how to share the road. We all have a right to use it.

SLUGS: Slimy slugs and festering fishheads to people who dump their junk on curbs and leave it there for days (weeks!). Makes Nelson look like trashtown. Could we have Trash to Treasure days once every month, with take down times adhered to (4 or 5 p.m.)? Let’s take some pride in our city!

HUGS: To people who are responsible with their curbside stuff … thanks for sharing.

HUGS: To paramedics, who are never mentioned in news articles and are never praised or appreciated for the work they do. It isn’t just the fire department  or search and rescue that show up in an emergency! Your commitment to this community doesn’t go unnoticed by everyone! You are the unsung heroes, and I thank you!

SLUGS: To people who run stop signs, especially on the Rosemont overpass. Maybe you should take your driving test again.

SLUGS: To the people who speed between West Innes and Knox Roads. Did it ever occur to you that there are people walking or jogging and children riding bikes on that narrow street? Not to mention all the driveways we come out of. It makes it scary at times so please slow down before someone gets hurt.

If you have a Hug or a Slug… we’d like to hear it. Simply email us at editor@nelsonstar.com with your short quips, compliments or complaints. Keep it tasteful and anonymous — no names of individuals or businesses, please. You can also drop by a written submission to our offices at 514 Hall Street.

Nelson Star