Opinion: The proven value of CPR training

There’s no guarantee that those who receive CPR will survive, but at least it will give them a fighting chance.

The value of a community well versed in CPR has long been documented.

It’s a simple process that can mean the difference between life and death.

That fact became evident again on the weekend when two off-duty nurses stepped in and assisted a Chilliwack man who had suffered a heart attack at local restaurant. (See story.)

The man’s condition is still serious. However, the outcome would have been much different had the two unidentified individuals not done what they had done.

CPR – coronary pulmonary resuscitation – is not new. What it does, though, is critically important. Chest compressions, coupled with artificial respiration, continues to circulate oxygenated blood to the brain and other vital organs when the heart can no longer do the job.

Without it, serious and irreparable damage can begin to occur in just four minutes.

CPR buys time, allowing medical first responders to arrive, stabilize the patient, and transport him or her to more aggressive intervention.

It’s not a complicated process, but it does take training.

Efforts have been made to simplify the procedure. The goal is to encourage people to take the training and not be intimidated by it.

Several opportunities exist in the community, including St. John Ambulance and the University of the Fraser Valley. Local schools are also encouraging students to gain their CPR certification.

There’s no guarantee that those who receive CPR will survive. But a simple technique, with a proven track record can at least give them a fighting chance.

Chilliwack Progress