Opinion: Vedder River gate applauded

As a hunter and fisher it saddens me to see that some persons assume they have the right to abuse nature, writer says.

Kudos to Mayor Gaetz and the Chilliwack city council for supporting the closure of the access road to the public dump/party site; sorry, I mean the riverside area near the rail bridge.

After having to navigate our way through human faeces, broken bottles, cans, burnt and discarded garbage, nails from pallets, illegal campers, as well as loud booze and weed parties, it was a very pleasant to actually be able to enjoy the scenery and quiet beauty of the area.

In speaking to other users of the Rotary trail, they too agreed that it was a wise and correct decision that would go a long way to give Mother Nature a fighting chance.

As a hunter and fisher it saddens me to see that some persons assume they have the right to abuse nature simply because it’s handy and seemingly in a free-for-all area that is out of sight.

The Chilliwack/Vedder river is long and access to excellent fishing sites abound for the serious fisher, so one small area that is trying to be preserved from vehicle destruction is a small price to pay for our future generations.


Richard Benson

Chilliwack Progress