Opinions not informed

Harlan Ellison once said that people do not have a right to an opinion, but rather that they have the right to an informed opinion

A well-known American writer, Harlan Ellison, once said that people do not have a right to an opinion, but rather that they have the right to an informed opinion. I have noticed on this letters page, that one particular fellow has no hesitation in voicing opinions when he knows nothing about what he speaks. To whit:

There is a lot more that Mark Ziebarth should know before he carries on squawking about the saintly souls we have in the local construction industry and about his ‘standing with entrepreneurs’ (or some such phrase in his previous rant to the editor — his tirades get tedious with time) against his faculty association.

With regard to construction hereabouts, I suggest he speak to people who are longtime members in the industry to find out what shenanigans have gone on over the years.

With regard to his faculty association which he so casually dismisses, when they announce their support for teachers in their current labour dispute, I suggest that he look at where his nice salary comes from, the benefits he receives such as medical, dental and retirement package, all fought for by his association over many years. Then perhaps he’d like to hand back all those benefits — otherwise, sir, you are a hypocrite, not to mention biting the hand that feeds you.

You have not done your homework, your opinions are not informed, and thus you need to know a lot more before going off on one of your rants.

Sharry Schneider





Penticton Western News