Opposed to south sewer project

According to the local officials the taxpayers’ rate will double immediately to fund a project that will not include all of Cumberland.

Dear editor,

This letter begins with debt; if you limit yourself to spending $1 million a year, it will take 1,000 years to spend $1 billion. Kind of gives you an idea of the federal Liberals $200B new debt by 2021 – but closer to home we have a case in point – the Royston B.C. sewer project. 
This $60+ million boondoggle is up for a vote in June.

According to the local officials the taxpayers’ rate will double immediately to fund a project that will not include all of Cumberland (1,350 residents) or, the many, many ‘exemptions’ granted to those along the Royston/Union Bay ‘special’ corridors’,  thus the pollution of Baynes Sound will not be solved.
As to funding; to illustrate there will not be much help from governments, too busy pouring out foreign aid rather than assisting local infrastructure. By the way, those so-called exemptions are ‘licking their chops’ as the sewer will give the ‘developers’ the ability to ride in with freebies. They will demand access to the sewer which will create more water demand, more sewage, more pollution and rampant taxation.

This community is a microcosm of the entire country, mirrored in a little reminder of 150 years ago.

“Great nations rule and fall” …unknown author usually attributed to Benjamin Disraeli.

1 – The people go from bondage to spiritual truth and to great courage.

2 – From courage to liberty

3 – From liberty to abundance.

4 – From abundance to selfishness.

5 – From selfishness to complacency.

6 – From complacency to stupidity.

7 – From stupidity to dependence back again into bondage.”

‘Debt’ is taking us to #7.  Vote NO or go broke –think again!

Mel Garden, Comox Valley

Comox Valley Record