Opposition disregarded

I believe that Oak Bay government’s failure to acknowledge this consistently vociferous public outcry is politically irresponsible

Since the start of Mr. Jensen’s second term as mayor, the SPCA, DeerSafe and innumerable Oak Bay citizens have publicly voiced their emphatic opposition to Oak Bay’s deer cull. This opposition has been completely disregarded by Mr. Jensen and Oak Bay council, who no doubt view this huge body of protestors as just another insignificant annoyance, like the deer themselves.

I believe that Oak Bay government’s failure to acknowledge or respond to this consistently vociferous public outcry is politically irresponsible.  It resembles, to me, a police state type of government.

The deer slaughter issue is not a mere trifle within Oak Bay’s political agenda; it is an issue of life or death of animals in our immediate ecosystem. On a citizen’s rights level, I am completely opposed to my tax dollars being used to kill deer. On an ethical and moral level, I am completely opposed to killing innocent animals who pose no threat, and I highly resent that Oak Bay council and a small group of people with a superiority complex who view deer as a nuisance in their lives, have imposed the cull at their whims.

There is something rotten in the state of Oak Bay, and it isn’t the deer. Clearly, we need a referendum on this issue, not later or sometime, but yesterday.

C. Paterson


Oak Bay



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