Options are available to dam removal

NANAIMO – Re: Estimates sought to rebuild dam, Jan. 3.

To the Editor,

Re: Estimates sought to rebuild dam, Jan. 3.

Many Nanaimo residents have clearly informed the city that they want the preservation of the two Colliery Dam Park dams seriously studied before jumping to the drastic steps of removal.

The city has responded by having the same consultants who produced plans for removal of the dams, to now examine the feasibility of work required to upgrade the existing dams.

This represents a conflict of interest, because using the same firm negates the possibility of getting competitive bids, as would be the case if two separate firms were involved.

This reminds me of an old Matlock TV show, where attorney Matlock says “We’ll give him a fair trial, and then we’ll hang him.”

This whole thing seems to be needlessly complicated, because if public safety is the primary consideration, then all that is required is a row of steel piles for each dam, with slip-jointed metal cribbing along the walls of each dam.

It would be very hard indeed to justify a $7-million expenditure for such a relatively minor installation.

Even heavy boulders along the dam walls would be sufficient. Let’s ask the city to stop messing about; listen to the people, and do what is right.

Phil Alexander

via e-mail

Nanaimo News Bulletin