Organic farming

Author of harmonic farming books left out of Communities in Bloom article

I was surprised to see that the Vernon’s Communities in Bloom Committee article neglected to mention Werner Gysi,  a local author of two excellent books:  Harmonic Farming: Homesteading, and Harmonic Farming:  Bees.

Werner has lived in our area for 30 years or more, and has a wealth of knowledge to share on organic farming and living in harmony with nature.

I refer to both of his books on a regular basis and have shared them with many friends and fellow farmers/homesteaders.

I feel it is crucial that we, first and foremost, support those that help and support our communities.

Anyone interested in beekeeping, growing vegetables, raising animals, as well as surviving off their land, would find his books most informative and valuable.

Please look local first, as our neighbours here in the Okanagan region are well worth supporting.  thanks for taking time to reconsider.

Jacqueline Kral



Vernon Morning Star