Dear editor,
In response to the letter, Sixty per cent of us did not vote Tory by Kathleen Woodley, let’s have a second look:
Party % of Vote for % of Vote Against
BQ 6.0% 94%
CON 39.6% 60.4%
GRN 3.9% 96.1%
LIB 18.9% 81.1%
NDP 30.6% 69.4%
OTH 0.9% 99.1%
Which one of the others would you pick to run this wonderful country?
At least with the Conservative majority forming government, we will have a stable government for the next four years. This is good for everyone, regardless if you like or dislike the party that got the most votes under our electoral system.
At least important bills will not be held up by endless quibbling and deal-making.
Instability is not good for anyone. If the Conservatives screw up, I’m sure they will end up like the trounced Liberal Party in the next election.
Before complaining, at least give Harper a chance to govern. I might add that I don’t agree with some of their policies, but on the whole they have kept Canada from being in a further mess as a result of a world recession.
Would the others have done a better job? I think not.
I congratulate the NDP for their excellent showing and think they will be a good opposition, keeping the Conservatives in check.
Ed Majden,