Our municipal leaders lack vision

Dear editor,
Having lived in the Valley since the summer of 2010, I am amazed by the seeming lack of a vision by municipal leaders.

Dear editor,Having lived in the Valley since the summer of 2010, I am amazed by the potential but seeming lack of a vision by municipal leaders.Comox could be like Sidney but can’t seem to ditch the red tape and let some moderate development take place. The area behind Quality Foods on Aspen could become a core business as well as residential area but has unsightly undeveloped land complete with unattended weeds.All this talk of bus shelters being built but waiting for someone to fund them. I would like to see the City of Courtenay and Town of Comox divided into neighbourhood zones where there is an action committee composed of local citizens, private business and some civic representation.There would be meetings to discuss real needs in the various areas and maybe get something done. These could be as simple as beautification plans or ways to get these bus shelters built.Just like there are highways in the U.S. that state that area is sponsored by a certain organization, we could have zones sponsored the same way and community events put on to fund projects.It’s time to get all parties working together not just have the politicians say it can’t be done.Here is another election coming up but I fear it will be same old same old.Ian Phillips,Comox

Comox Valley Record