Our ocean is healthy

We have never seen any signs of raw sewage in our local waters.

Over the past 11 years friends and I have been regularly kayaking (we kayak all year) along our beautiful coastline from the Sooke area, past Victoria and Sidney, as far north as Maple Bay.

We have never seen any signs of raw sewage.

What I do see is an amazingly healthy, natural environment with tens of thousands of seals and seabirds and in certain places and times of year, sea lions.

Occasionally we are fortunate enough to encounter whales. I see healthy, green eel grass and many varieties of healthy seaweeds swaying in the daily ocean currents. In our local waters which have such great visibility, I see an abundance of smaller sea creatures attached to rocks and pilings and living on the ocean floor. Isn’t all this an indication of a healthy ocean? If the current raw sewage treatment (isn’t it 99 per cent water?) is such a health hazard I am not seeing it in or on our local ocean.

Jennie Sutton

Oak Bay


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