Our parts, our trails

local resident urges dog owners to pick up after their animal


Though winter is hanging on and slowing things down, spring is determinedly putting her plans to work. Nature’s icy artwork decorations are changing daily. Chubby robins and noisy geese have joyously returned. There is much promise of delights to see and new life to grow.

Unfortunately, this transition time also reveals much. Wind and bird strewn litter is everywhere. As well, when the snow melts, other refuse becomes evident…

Last January, on a beautiful afternoon, a snowshoe around West Fraser Timber Park had me dodging nearly twenty piles of poop. The fun of that day was overshadowed by disgust. Now, as the snow melts, more and more piles are becoming evident. The walking bridge and river trails are not immune as Ceal Tingley can attest.

Several suggestions:

• Could the city please put out more garbage receptacles to facilitate spring cleaning.

• Could trail and park walkers pick up 1 piece of litter on every round to make the task lighter for all.

• Could responsible dog owners take extra bags and pick up one extra pile of poop as they enjoy the public areas.

• Could the irresponsible dog owners step up and do their duty. Take bags and make sure no sign of your dog’s walk is left behind.

Our city parks and trails are a wonderful resource to be enjoyed by all. Let’s all take pride in keeping them clean.

Liz-Anne Eyford

and other trail users


Quesnel Cariboo Observer