OUR VIEW: Campbell Riverites are animal lovers

We say: Losing the SPCA brought more people out than tax increases

Well, you can say one thing about Campbell Riverites, they sure love animals.

Of course, all you have to do is go for a walk anywhere in town or even attend any event and you will see people with their dogs.

Well, people brought their dogs to the protest on the city hall front lawn Wednesday. They were upset with a city council decision to give an animal control service contract to a private company, Coastal Animal Control Services Ltd.

Approximately 400 people and around 100 dogs stood on city hall’s lawn and chanted for city councillors to come out and face them. Last year’s tax increase protesters could only shake their head, jealously wishing they could have got that strong a turnout for their rallies.

But it appears Campbell Riverites have a stronger bond with their animals than they have with their tax dollars. That is supported by the fact that the protesters would prefer to spend a little more to keep a non-profit organization in charge of their animal welfare services than a down-Island private company. The animal bylaw enforcement contract was awarded to the lowest bidder this year and the B.C. SPCA felt it could not continue to run the animal shelter without the enforcement component of their contract with the city and decided to shut down their Campbell River operation.

It may have been a hasty move on the SPCA’s part, they could have stayed and maintained their pound by mobilizing the goodwill they’ve built up over the years.

Goodwill that was on display at city hall on Wednesday.

Campbell River Mirror