Our View: Earth Day- April 22

Wednesday was Earth day. Did you do your part on this single day of environmental awareness?

Wednesday was Earth day. Did you do your part on this single day of environmental awareness?

Just one day is set aside for remembering that our planet is precious and our current way of life is not sustainable forever. Does this day of action make a difference in the big picture?

According to a recent article in the Globe and Mail, more carbon emissions are being poured into the atmosphere than ever before and Environment Canada says without new action the country will be well behind their pledge to reduce green house gas emissions by 17 per cent by 2020.

Almost no progress has been made to lower levels since 2005.

Those stats do sound dreary, even in light of all the extra recycling and tree planting that occurs on Earth Day around Canada and the world, but maybe that is missing the point of the day.

Earth Day should be more about educating children and the youth of today so they can make better decisions and be much more environmentally concious than those that came before them. That they might take a different path than the footsteps they now follow in.

Participate in Earth Day not only to make yourself feel good about the recycling you did or the walk to work, but to set an example. Just maybe setting that example will come off on yourself as well. The next time you step into your high powered diesel truck, you might just think it’s a nicer day to walk to work.

The mark Earth Day leaves behind should be one of more fresh foods, bike rides to the local market and enjoying a packed bus once in a while.

To many it may seem hoaky and irrelevant now, but it is just one day, and you never know what a difference you can make.


Rossland News