OUR VIEW: Freshening up city’s bad smell regulations

The city’s passage of its new bad odour provisions is a curious case of “good to see you take action but why now and why on this issue?”

We all can agree that cracking down on causes of bad smells in the city is a good thing but the speed and decisiveness with which city council took action on this issue is surprising. We’re not saying it’s bad or good at this point but it would be nice if they could move as swiftly on other issues.

It was just last April when the complaint that spurred this bylaw was laid. Next thing you know, they’re reworking the public nuisance bylaw under which bad smells linger.

The bylaw amendment puts Campbell River in the company of other Island communities by having provisions to crack down on unpleasant odours. The mayor has said it is a work in progress and a good first step. It’s good that the city recognizes this because defining what is considered “malodorous” could be pretty controversial.

However, you do have to start somewhere.

Campbell River Mirror