OUR VIEW: Get those coins ready

It’s time once again to fish those coins out of their hiding places around the house.

It’s time once again to fish those coins out of their hiding places around the house. Dig for ‘em in the couch cushions and sock drawers and heft those jars and tins.

The Peninsula News Review, with help from the Panorama Recreation Centre, Mary Winspear Centre and other sponsors, is collecting coins of all denominations — paper money too — for its annual Coins for Kids campaign.

Between now and the end of December, the News Review is hoping to collect as many coins as possible, to help ensure families in need over the holiday season are able to receive a gift for their children.

In 2015, we raised more than $2,000 and we hope to raise more this year.

The proceeds from Coins for Kids will go to the Peninsula Santa’s Helpers — a local charitable group whose task it is to collect donated toys for boys and girls, wrap them, and deliver them to families prior to Christmas. The Mary Winspear Centre co-ordinated the work of these volunteers, who turn to the Sidney Lions Food Bank for help. Last year, more than 300 families were helped by the campaign.

There are efforts like the Peninsula Santa’s Helpers around the Island and the country — this one is specifically looking to help people on the Saanich Peninsula. It’s that local angle that the News Review hopes its readers will agree is something to support this month and next.

We think sparing some change is a great way to ensure someone who might not otherwise enjoy Christmas, gets the chance at what so many of us take for granted.

Look for the Coins for Kids collection boxes around the Peninsula — start up at Panorama Recreation or try our office on Second Street in Sidney.

Also keep an eye out for the Santa’s Helpers gift collection boxes — including one at the Mary Winspear Centre — and drop off an unwrapped new toy for kids age six months to 16 years.

After all, it is known as the season for giving.

Peninsula News Review