OUR VIEW: Here’s to our volunteers

The theme of this year’s national volunteer week , April 10 to 16, is “Volunteers are the roots of strong communities.”

Nationally, almost 13 million Canadians aged 15 and older give of their time, and almost twice as many (82 per cent) give money to a charitable or not‑for‑profit organization. According to the federal government, more than half of not-for-profit organizations rely entirely on volunteering, making volunteers the roots of sustainable community organizations.  What does that look like locally? It’s the coaches on the field at the Sportsplex and many other school fields. It’s the folks behind the community groups supporting Syrian refugees. It’s the crew regularly pulling broom, blackberries bushes and other invasives at the estuary, Baikie Island and many other natural areas. It’s those  ensuring local arts organizations continue to make this a beautiful place to live in and enjoy.

With sponsorship from Investor’s Group, Staples and 11 local coffee shops and restaurants, this week Volunteer Campbell River celebrates National Volunteer Week 2016 with the Volunteer Coffee Break project.  The Volunteer Coffee Break project offers local volunteers a coupon for a free cup of coffee or tea at participating coffee shops and restaurants during National Volunteer Week, April 10-16 in thanks for the support they offer our community!

Without them, our community would look a whole lot different indeed.


Campbell River Mirror