OUR VIEW: Hope the weather will spring ahead too

We say: We’re ready to put this winter behind us already

As we desperately search for signs of spring, and the turning of the calendar to March obviously doesn’t count based on this week’s weather, there may be good news on the horizon.

That’s right. This weekend, whether you or Mother Nature is ready for it, we switch to Daylight Savings Time.

Hard to believe? You bet considering the winter weather of late and the fact that some of us remember golfing at this time last year around these parts.

The fact that they bumped up Daylight Savings Time by a few weeks several years ago is also a factor but it’s sure taking people by surprise in 2014.

The bad news is that we spring ahead this Saturday night/Sunday morning and lose some sleep in the process but the good news is it’s lighter longer after work and spring-like activities must be around the corner, right?

Experts at UBC say go to bed earlier on the day of the time change because you’ll likely get up at the same time no matter what the clock says. Also it helps the body get used to losing that hour of sleep as soon as possible. And the short-term loss should be worth the long-term gain in saving energy, better driving conditions in the evening hours and just the sensation that spring will be sprung on us soon, along with all the outdoor activities that await us in British Columbia.

Not to mention the meteorologist says the temperature could be in the double-digits by the weekend. The rest of Canada may still be mired in winter but we’re ready for spring, darn it.

Bring on the time change.

– Black Press

Campbell River Mirror