OUR VIEW: Let the voting process begin

We say: Really no excuse not to vote, you could do it tomorrow

Electors’ first opportunities to vote in this fall’s municipal races in Campbell River are coming up soon.

Advance polls are taking place tomorrow, Nov. 5 and Nov. 12 at the south end of Tyee Plaza,

towards the Discovery Inn.

Normally, the advance polls are used by folks who wish to vote but will find themselves away from their community on general election day. But there’s nothing stopping anyone – even if they will be around on general election day Nov. 15 – from taking advantage of those early voting times.

This negates at least one argument against not voting this year. If people are worried about having the time to vote – or would just rather spend their Saturday with their families, for instance – they can try an advance poll on for size. So, if a lack of time or bad timing is someone’s excuse for not voting, there are a couple of alternatives to help wipe that away.

Another typical argument is a lack of knowledge, of the candidates, and/or the issues. We have helped in that regard, with our elections supplement in Friday’s edition of the Campbell River Mirror and with our Q&A pages with the candidates in last Friday’s Mirror and this coming Friday’s Mirror.

The Mirror, along with the Young Professionals of Campbell River, is also hosting an all-candidates forum at the Tidemark Theatre on Thursday night, from 6-10 p.m.

Many candidates have websites and/or Facebook pages, to give you even more insight as to their respective visions for the future of your electoral district.

The argument that “an uneducated vote is worse than no vote at all” really doesn’t fly anymore. The information is out there, on so many different platforms, that the only way to be uneducated is by choice. And if that is your choice, then you’ve likely already stopped reading.

We have done our part to help ease the process for you.

Now it’s time for you to do your part.

– Black Press

Campbell River Mirror